44. Bertram MG*, Brodin T*, Arnold K, Boxall A, Brooks B, Cerveny D, Jorg M, Kidd K, Kümmerer K, Lertxundi U, Martin JM, May L, McCallum ES, Michelangeli M, Tyler CR, Wong BM, Orive G. (2024). The urgent need for designing greener drugs. Nature Sustainability. 7, 949–951.
43. Grønlund SN, Chan WS, D’Amico E, Flodgaard M, Lyngsie G, McCallum ES, Annemette Palmqvist A, Hamann Sandgaard M, Santobuono M, Thit A, & Selck H. (2023). When and how to conduct ecotoxicological tests using natural field collected sediment. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. 43(8) 1757-1766.
42. Kidd K, Backhaus T, Brodin T, Inostroza P, McCallum ES. (2023). Environmental Risks of Pharmaceutical Mixtures in Aquatic Ecosystems: Reflections on a Decade of Research. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. 43 (3), 549-558.
41. Brönmark C, Hellström G, Baktoft H, Hansson L, McCallum ES, Nilsson AP, Skov C, Brodin T, & Hulthén K. (2023). Ponds as experimental arenas for studying animal movement: current research and future prospects. Movement Ecology, 11(68).
40. McCallum ES, Cerveny D, Bose APH, Fick J, & Brodin T. (2023). Cost‐Effective Pharmaceutical Implants in Fish: Validating the Performance of Slow‐Release Implants for the Antidepressant Fluoxetine. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 42(6), 1326-1336.
39. Bose APH, McCallum ES, Avromovic M, Bertram M, Blom E, Cerveny D, Gronlund S, Leander J, Lundberg P, Martin JM, Michelangeli M, Persson L, Brodin T. 2022. Pharmaceutical pollution disrupts the behaviour and predator–prey interactions of two widespread aquatic insects. iScience, 25(12), 105672.
38. Michelangeli M, Martin JM, Pinter-Wollman N, Ioannou CC, McCallum ES, Bertram MG, & Brodin T. (2022). Predicting the impacts of chemical pollutants on animal groups. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37(9), 789-802.
37. Späth J, Fick J, McCallum ES, Cerveny D, Nording ML, & Brodin T. (2022). Wastewater effluent affects behaviour and metabolomic endpoints in damselfly larvae. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-13.
36. Cerveny D, Cisar P, Brodin T, McCallum ES, & Fick J. (2022). Environmentally relevant concentration of caffeine—effect on activity and circadian rhythm in wild perch. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-9.
35. Bertram MG, Martin JM, McCallum ES, Alton, LA, Brand JA, Brooks BW, Cerveny D, Fick J, Ford AT, Hellström G, Michelangeli M, Nakagawa S, Polverino G, Saaristo M, Sih A, Tan H, Tyler CR, Wong BBM, Brodin T. Frontiers in quantifying wildlife behavioural responses to chemical pollution. Biological Reviews, in press.
34. Bose APH, Brodin T, Cerveny D, & McCallum ES (2022). Uptake, depuration, and behavioural effects of oxazepam on activity and foraging in a tropical snail (Melanoides tuberculata). Environmental Advances, 100187.
33. Späth J, Brodin T, McCallum ES, Cerveny D, Fick J, Nording ML. (2022). Metabolomics reveals changes in metabolite profiles due to growth and metamorphosis during the ontogeny of the northern damselfly Coenagrion hastulatum. Journal of Insect Physiology. Accepted, in press.
32. Martin JM, Bertram MG, Blanchfield PJ, Brand JA, Brodin T, Brooks BW, Cerveny D, Lagisz M, Ligocki IY, Michelangeli M, Nakagawa S, Orford JT, Sundin J, Tan H, Wong BBM, McCallum ES. (2021) Evidence of the impacts of pharmaceuticals on aquatic animal behaviour: a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence. 10(26).
31. Martin JM, McCallum ES. (2021). Incorporating animal social context in ecotoxicology: can a single individual tell the collective story? Environmental Science & Technology. 55 (16), 10908–10910.
30. McCallum ES, Dey CJ, Cerveny D, Bose APH, Brodin T. (2021). Social status modulates the behavioural and physiological consequences of a chemical pollutant in animal groups. Ecological Applications. e02454.
29. Cerveny D, Fick J, Klaminder J, McCallum ES, Bertram MG, Castillo N, Brodin T. (2021). Water temperature affects the biotransformation and accumulation of a psychoactive pharmaceutical and its biologically active metabolite in aquatic organisms. Environment International, 155, 106705.
28. Mehdi H, Lau SC, Synyshyn C, Salena MG, Morphet ME, Hamilton J, Muzzatti MN, McCallum ES, Midwood JD, Balshine S. (2021). A comparison of passive and active gear in fish community assessments across seasons. Fisheries Research. 242, 106016.
27. *Nikel KE, *McCallum ES, Mehdi H, Du SNN, Bowman JE, Midwood JD, Scott GR, Balshine S. (2021). Fish living near two wastewater treatment plants have unaltered thermal tolerance but show changes in organ and tissue traits. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 47(2), 522-533. *co-first authors.
26. Mehdi H, Lau SC, Synyshyn C, Salena MG, McCallum ES, Muzzatti MN, Bowman JE, Mataya K, Bragg LM, Servos MR, Kidd KA, Scott GR, Balshine S. (2021). Municipal wastewater as an ecological trap: Effects on fish communities across seasons. Science of the Total Environment. 759, 143430.
25. Ågerstrand M, Arnold K, Balshine S, Brodin T, Brooks BW, Maack G, McCallum ES, Pyle G, Saaristo M, Ford AT. (2020). Use of behavioural endpoints in regulation of chemicals. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts. 22, 49-65.
24. Cerveny D, Brodin T, Cisar P, McCallum ES, Fick J. (2020). Bioconcentration and behavioral effects of four benzodiazepines and their environmentally relevant mixture in wild fish. Science of the Total Environment. 702, 134780.
23. Shry S, McCallum ES, Alanärä A, Persson L, Hellström G. (2019). Energetic state modulates facultative migration in sea-run brown trout (Salmo trutta) differentially by age and environment. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7, 411.
22. McLean AR, Du SNN, Choi J, Culbert BM, McCallum ES, Scott GR, Balshine S. (2019). Proximity to wastewater effluent alters behaviour in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis machrochirus). Behaviour. 156, 1495-1517.
21. Du SNN, Choi JA, McCallum ES, McLean AR, Borowiec BG, Balshine S, Scott GR. (2019). Metabolic Implications of exposure to wastewater effluent in bluegill sunfish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 224, 108562.
20. McCallum ES, Nikel KE, Mehdi H, Du SNN, Bowman JE, Midwood JD, Kidd KA, Scott GR, Balshine S. (2019). Municipal wastewater effluent affects fish communities: a multi-year study involving two wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Pollution. 252, 1730-1741.
19. McCallum ES, Cerveny D, Fick J, Brodin T. (2019). Slow-release implants for manipulating contaminant exposures in aquatic wildlife – a new tool for field ecotoxicology. Environmental Science & Technology. 53, 8282-8290. *American Chemical Society (ACS) Editors’ choice, cover article July 2019 issue
18. McCallum ES, Lindberg RH, Andersson PA, Brodin T. (2019). Stability and bioconcentration of methylphenidate and ritalinic acid in nine-spine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) and water louse (Asellus aquaticus). Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 26, 9371-78.
17. McCallum ES, Sundelin A, Fick J, Alanärä A, Klaminder, K., Hellström G, & Brodin T. (2019). Investigating tissue bioconcentration and the behavioural effects of two pharmaceutical pollutants on sea trout (Salmo trutta) in the laboratory and field. Aquatic Toxicology, 207, 170-178.
16. *McCallum ES, *Bose APH, Lobban N, Marentette JR, Pettitt-Wade H, Koops MA, Fisk AT, Balshine S. (2019). Alternative reproductive tactics, an overlooked source of life history variation in the invasive Round Goby. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 76, 1562-1570. *Co-first authors
15. Saaristo M, Brodin T, Balshine S, Bertram MG, Books BW, Ehlman S, McCallum ES, Sih A, Sundin J, Wong BBM, Arnold KE. (2018) Direct and indirect effects of chemical pollutants on behaviour, ecology and evolution of wildlife. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285, 20181297.
14. Bose APH, McCallum ES, Raymond K, Marentette JR, Balshine S. (2018) Growth and otolith morphology vary with alternative reproductive tactics and contaminant exposure in the round goby. Journal of Fish Biology. 93, 674-684. doi: 10.1111/jfb.13756
13. Du, SNN, McCallum, ES, Vaseghi-Shanjani M; Choi J; Warriner T; Balshine S & Scott G. (2018). Metabolic costs of exposure to wastewater effluent lead to compensatory adjustments in respiratory physiology in bluegill sunfish. Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 801-811.
12. Simmons D, McCallum ES, Balshine S, Chandramouli B, Cosgrove J, Sherry J. (2017). Reduced anxiety is associated with the accumulation of six serotonin reuptake inhibitors in wastewater treatment effluent exposed, goldfish Carassius auratus. Scientific Reports, 7, 17001.
11. Simmons D, Miller J, Clarence S, McCallum ES, Balshine S, Chandramouli B, Cosgrove J, Sherry J. (2017). Altered expression of metabolites and proteins in wild and caged fish exposed to wastewater effluents in situ. Scientific Reports, 7, 17000.
10. McCallum ES, Marentette JR, Schiller C, Jindal S, Empringham K, Marsh-Rollo S, Pettitt-Wade H, Koops MA, Fisk AT & Balshine S. (2017). Diet and foraging of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in a contaminated Harbour. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 20, 252-264.
9. McCallum ES, Krutzelmann E, Fick J, Brodin T, Sundelin A & Balshine S (2017). Exposure to wastewater effluent affects fish behaviour and tissue-specific uptake of pharmaceuticals. Science of the Total Environment, 605, 578-588.
8. McCallum ES, Bose APH, Warriner TR, & Balshine S (2017). An evaluation of behavioural endpoints: The pharmaceutical pollutant fluoxetine decreases aggression across multiple behavioural contexts in round goby, (Neogobius melanostums). Chemosphere, 175, 401-410.
7. McCallum ES, Du SNN, Warriner TR, Vasgehi M, Choi J, Sultana, T, Scott GR, & Balshine S (2017). In situ exposure to wastewater effluent reduces survival but has little effect on the behaviour or physiology of an invasive Great Lakes Fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 184, 37-48.
6. McCallum ES, Gulas ST, & Balshine S (2017). Accurate resource assessment requires prior experience in a territorial fish. Animal Behaviour, 123, 249-257.
5. *Capelle PM, *McCallum ES, & Balshine S (2015). Aggression and sociality: conflicting or complimentary traits of a successful invader? Behaviour, 152, 127-146. *Co-first authors
4. McCallum ES, Capelle PM & Balshine S (2014). Seasonal plasticity in telencephalon mass of a benthic fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 85, 1785-1792.
3. McCallum ES, Charney RE, Young JAM, Marentette JR, Koops M, Earn DJD, Bolker & Balshine S (2014). Persistence of an invasive fish (Neogobius melanostomus) in a contaminated ecosystem. Biological Invasions, 16, 2449-2461.
2. Schmidt KL, McCallum ES, MacDougall-Shackleton EA, & MacDougall-Shackleton SA (2012). Early-life stress affects the behavioural and neural response of female song sparrows to conspecific song. Animal Behaviour, 85, 825-837.
1. McCallum ES & Balshine S. (2018). Sizing up the prize: Information gathering in fish resource contests. “Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition: A Comparative Guide” Eds. N. Bueno-Guerra & F. Amici. Cambridge University Press. 2p.
1. Alanärä A, McCallum ES, Person L (2021). Hur stor behöver en ettårig öring eller lax vara?: förslag till en strategi för att sortera ut ensomrig fisk på hösten som blir smolt till våren. Energiforsk Rapport, 722. ISBN: 978-91-7673-722-4
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Connected: The hidden science of everything, Netflix (Episode 2).
Experts call for regulators to 'embrace new behavioural endpoints', Chemical Watch
Human Drugs Are Polluting the Water—And Animals Are Swimming in It, The Atlantic
Small but complicated: Round goby males lead two different lives, The American Fisheries Society
Antidepressants are finding their way into fish brains, The Economist
How chemical-laden human waste is hurting fish, TVOntario
Pollutants in water making fish work harder just to stay alive, study suggests, CBC
Chemicals in Cootes Paradise are making fish sluggish, Hamilton Spectator
Contaminants in Cootes Paradise weaken sunfish: McMaster study, Global News
Pharmaceuticals and other contaminants force fish to work much harder to survive, Science News Daily
Pharmaceuticals and other contaminants force fish to work much harder to survive, Phys.org
Hamilton Harbour invaders keep scientists guessing, Hamilton Spectator
Round goby fish thrive in Hamilton Harbour's contamination, CBC
Dundas Wastewater Treatment Plant needs upgrades to meet targets, Dundas Star News
Fishing for science video wins NSERC award, McMaster Daily News
Hamilton team studying round goby population, CBC
Studying Hamilton Harbour’s invaders, McMaster Daily News
Last updated: July 2024